We undertake ecological surveys to inform biodiversity net gain planning and undertake BNG calculations using the latest statutory biodiversity metrics and reporting of baseline conditions.
To assist with Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) we can:
undertake baseline field surveys (phase 1/UK Hab) to determine any protected and notable species.
review and reporting of habitat data and landscape plans.
undertake BNG calculations using the latest statutory biodiversity metrics and reporting of baseline conditions.
advise on habitat enhancement, mitigation and compensation.
produce BNG plans based on optimal solutions.
Following production of BNG plans, we can provide habitat management plans to support you in implementing your BNG solution.
Ecology Consultancy - Related Services
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG): Enhancing Ecosystems and Promoting Sustainable Development
Bat Surveys
Biodiversity Net Gain
Camera Trapping
Habitat Surveys
Bird Surveys
Protected Species Surveys
Ecological/Environmental Clerk of Works
Habitat and Construction Management Plans
To find out more about how Arthian can work with you, please get in touch.