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Isabella Marshall, Manager, Land Development, Mabbett

Talk to Isabella Marshall about this service

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Site Investigations (Phases 1 & 2), Due Diligence Appraisals, Remedial Solutions and Verification, Coal Mining Risk Assessment and Surface Containment and Integrity assessments.

Our Contaminated Land team includes experienced geo-environmental engineers who can offer support on developments in the energy, commercial, industrial and residential sectors.

Our contaminated land, site assessment and remediation services include:

Contaminated Land Risk Assessment Scotland

Contaminated Land Site Investigation

What is contaminated land?

A site is considered as ‘Contaminated Land’ where substances are causing or could cause significant harm to people, property, or protected species and/or significant pollution to the environment, surface waters and groundwater.

What happens if I think my site might be contaminated?

If a site is a potential contamination risk then we can support by providing a staged or combined Contaminated Land Risk Assessment which includes:

How does land become contaminated?

Land becomes contaminated when hazardous substances are released into the environment. These substances can be sourced from (but not limited to) industrial processes, landfills, mining, and chemical or fuel spills. A site may contain persistent contamination from historical land uses or could be affected by more recent pollution events.

Who is responsible for contaminated land?

Any person, organisation or business might be liable for the remediation of contaminated land under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 if they caused or knowingly permitted contamination.

Contaminated Land - Related Services

To find out more about how Arthian can work with you, please get in touch.

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