Downstream User Import Notification for imported substances regulated by UK REACH
27th August 2021

The 28 October 2021 deadline for companies to notify the HSE of substances imported at 1 tonne or more per year is fast approaching. This applies to companies who import substances from the EU or from outside the EU where the chemical was previously registered with an EU Only Representative.
By 28 October 2021, companies who wish to defer their registration obligation for up to six years (depending on tonnage) must notify the HSE via the Downstream User Import Notification (DUIN) process. Once a DUIN is submitted the following timelines apply for registering your substance for use in the UK:
- October 2023 for substances imported at >1,000 tonnes per year
- October 2025 for substances imported at >100 tonnes per year
- October 2027 for substances imported at >1 tonne per year
If you need consultancy support to understand if your company is obligated and if so, what you are required to do, please get in touch with Kayleigh O’Neill at