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Maintaining a functioning planning system is a top priority

24th April 2020 - Written by Susan Bell

The planning system is vitally important in keeping the economy moving and Governments across the UK are considering how Local Authorities can continue to operate.

Susan Bell, Principal Environmental Planner has reviewed the amendments and opportunities and has prepared guidance / summary documents of the temporary changes to Planning as a result of COVID-19, full summaries are provided below.

Please get in touch with Susan direct at to discuss your planning application and /or for project support or click here for details of Planning Services.

  • England, click here to read a full summary of amendments.
  • Northern Ireland, click here to read a full summary of amendments.
  • Scotland, click here to read full summary of amendments.
  • Wales, click here to read a full summary of amendments.

Susan Bell

I am a Chartered Town Planner and experienced Environmental Impact Assessment Practitioner with over 9 years’ experience supporting developments through the planning process from early feasibility through to the discharge of planning conditions.