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On site monitoring for occupational noise and personal exposure to grain dusts from the distillation and casking processes, to measure compliance with Control of Noise of Work (Northern Ireland) Regulations and COSHH (Northern Ireland) Regulations.

Approach and Delivery

Our British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS) Registered Occupational Hygiene Consultants commenced with a review of site-specific data to include site layout, noise and dust sources and processes with the client. This identified a selection of higher risk areas to undertake targeted monitoring. In doing so, monitoring was able to be completed on a single day, saving the client time and money.

During the on-site during the operator monitoring for grain dusts and noise, our Consultants observed; asking questions and taking supplementary measurements to support reporting i.e. going beyond simple reporting of data.

“Connor provided valuable assistance upfront to scope the project; with his knowledge of the working environment, the original scope increased to ensure we were monitoring priority areas for dust and noise exposure. The report was very good, it offered a concise summary and linked back to legal duties. ”

Matthew Patterson - Compliance Manager

Project Outcomes

Site specific, easy to follow, interpretative report aligned to legislation and BOHS reporting guidelines. The report included an Action plan with practical site-specific actions and guidance to aid implementation.

Contact Connor McGimpsey to discuss Occupational Hygiene Monitoring related support for your organisation.