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Centrica Business Solutions

Delivery of technical consultancy services to Centrica Business Solutions to meet planning and/or environmental requirements for the installation of CHP plants, battery storage and solar PV arrays.

Approach and Delivery

Delivery of planning, environmental and engineering services to Centrica Business Solutions to support a range of technology types, including ground-mounted solar PV, roof-mounted solar PV, battery storage and CHP Plants.

Our Planning & Development and Engineering teams have supported with projects across the U.K. and Ireland providing the following project support:

  • Feasibility studies balancing planning and environmental conditions onsite.
  • Planning services, including engagement with Local Planning Authorities, preparation, submission and management of planning applications, as well as representation at planning committee.
  • Production of Planning Statements and Design and Access Statements.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment.
  • Community consultation, including preparation of materials, attendance at events and production of consultation reports.
  • Ecology & Ornithology surveys.
  • Biodiversity Net Gain calculations and reporting.
  • Noise impact assessments.
  • Air quality impact assessments.
  • Flood risk and site drainage.
  • Contaminated land risk assessment.
  • Coal mining risk assessment.
  • Geo-technical support.
  • Landscape and visual impact assessments.
  • Site photography and visulisation production
  • Glint and glare assessments.
  • Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs).
  • Medium combustion plant directive (MCPD) application.
  • Project management, including coordination of project team.

“Mabbett offer a depth of services and expertise with good geographic coverage. The team provide regular project updates and prompt responses when information is sought / an enquiry arises. ”

Paul Bennett, Head of Consents and Pre-Sale Utility Infrastructure

Project Outcomes

The Mabbett Planning and Development team have gained planning consent for a number of projects on behalf of Centrica Business Solutions. Our consultants and engineers work closely with the Head of Consents at Centrica Business Solutions, there is regular communication with regard to live and future projects and importantly, if any potential issues arise, we work together to find solutions.

To find out more about how Arthian can work with you, please get in touch.