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Hyster-Yale’s Craigavon branch in Northern Ireland begins the process of ISO 50001 certification with help from Mabbett.
Hyster-Yale is an American-based designer, manufacturer and seller of forklifts, with facilities all over the world. The Craigavon branch in Northern Ireland – which was awarded top performer at the 2015 Northern Ireland Environmental Benchmarking Survey – recently began the process to obtaining certification to ISO 50001.
Mabbett was brought in to support Hyster-Yale with the certification process by providing ESOS Lead Assessor support and carrying out a gap analysis to guide the company into certified Energy Management. Due to Mabbett’s help, the Craigavon site has been able to meet the requirements set down by the UK Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) Regulations 2014, resulting in a compliant, energy efficient plant.