Talk to Omar Khalid about this service

Health & Safety audits; General Risk Assessment; Legislative risk assessment, to include COSHH, noise, HAV, manual handling, display screen equipment and fire assessments.
Risk assessment underpins all health and safety legislation. It defines the duties and responsibilities of employers and employees alike. It also makes clear that it is the duty of employers to identify hazards and risks within the workplace and to carry out appropriate risk assessments to protect employees and the business from unnecessary risks.
We have the staff, tools and experience to help our clients with design and implementation of risk assessments. We can provide the following risk assessment services:
From experience, we know that risks are site specific. That is why we provide a site-specific risk assessment service to our clients. This may include carrying out workplace inspections, reviewing documentation, speaking with staff etc., in order to clearly understand our client’s business and to identify the potential risks our clients face.
The findings of such workplace inspections can be presented as a gap analysis report that identifies further actions to be taken, or as a full risk assessment with a detailed action plan. Where necessary, our health and safety staff can assist with the implementation of administrative and engineering control measures.
Health and safety audit services are also available, ranging from general level audits, to detailed company and/or topic specific audits that are measured against management standards.