Talk to Jill Cottrell about this service

Our experienced environmental compliance consultants develop site specific, user-friendly legal registers and compliance audit reports/evidence to support robust compliance with obligations and enhanced awareness of compliance status
All companies, regardless of whether they hold an externally certificated environmental management system, have a legal responsibility to know what legislation is applicable to them and the activities that they undertake.
A simple way to keep up with environmental legal requirements and the various changes that take place is through regular compliance audits and periodically maintaining and updating a register of relevant environmental legislation.
We support both environmental and health & safety legal compliance consulting.
Click here to read how our Environmental Compliance Consultants provide a ‘fresh pair of eyes’ to a food packaging manufacturer through on site legal audit to develop a bespoke legal register to evidence compliance.
An environmental compliance audit is an investigation of the compliance status of a facility and/or the extent of environmental liability. This process is a systematic, documented evaluation of a facility, focusing on current operating and administrative procedures and processes.
Compliance audits assure the government that a business is following the rules and regulations of a specific agreement. For example, a compliance audit could be issued to determine a textile mill is following the EPA (or Environmental Protection Act) guidelines for disposing waste.