Mabbett Surveying offers mobile mapping vehicle mounted surveys to our clients, collecting data remotely from a moving vehicle rather than the conventional process of the scanner being in one place.
Mobile surveying allows us to cover a large area whilst gathering accurate data for the client. Data can be collected in a fraction of the time a conventional survey takes which minimises safety risk, programme delays and cost. Surveying large geographic areas with a laser scanner can eliminate the need for traffic management. This ultimately means more cost savings for the client.
- Motorway Surveys
- Coastal Mapping Surveys
- GIS/Asset Mapping
- Topographical Surveys
- Inland Waterway Mapping
- GIS/Asset Mapping
Benefits of Mobile Mapping
- Safety: mobile Surveying using laser scanning technology means a reduction in people required on site reducing time spent in dangerous environments.
- Time: this method of surveying offers a significant reduction in the amount of time spent on site in comparison to conventional laser scanning methods.
- Speed: data can be collected in a shorter period of time than conventional surveying methods.
- Cost: mobile Mapping means less time on site, no requirement for traffic management and less man hours. All savings our clients can benefit from.
To find out more about how Arthian can work with you, please get in touch.