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Home / Services / Health & Safety / Occupational Hygiene Monitoring / Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

Our team includes chartered health and safety professionals, occupational hygienists and environmental engineers, providing a complete COSHH service.
Chemicals in one form or another are in use throughout industry. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations lay down the steps which you must follow when assessing risks.
All employers must carry out an assessment of their chemical hazards (COSHH assessment). In order to ensure controls are effective and minimise worker exposure, it is often necessary to carry out air monitoring (occupational hygiene).
To implement the Regulations a broad base of knowledge is required covering toxicology, extraction systems and the means of quantifying exposure to ensure that unnecessary risks are removed.
Our team draws together a wide range of chartered health and safety professionals, occupational hygienists and environmental engineers to allow us to provide a complete service. The focus of our team is to support you manage the risks to health through a systematic approach to the management of hazardous substances. Whether you require additional resource to complete tasks such as collating safety data sheets and completing COSHH risk assessments, or specialist technical support for requirements such occupational hygiene monitoring or the design and testing of engineering controls, we are here to support you meet your legal obligations under the COSHH and related regulations.
Our occupational hygienists are members of the British Occupational Hygiene Society and we are listed on the BOHS Directory of Occupational Hygiene Services. Similarly, our environmental engineers hold BOHS modules, including P601, P602, P603 and P604.
Need some guidance on when to undertake air monitoring? Download our decision chart